Friday, April 25, 2008

OK Go (#1)

Shots from the OK Go concert at Kent State University. 

Monday, April 21, 2008


Hi, my name is Elizabeth Myers and this is my photo blog. I specialize in music/concert photography and portraiture. I am currently a junior at Kent State University studying photojournalism.

I am currently working on two projects. One was assigned by my current photography teacher -- to take a picture a day. It seemed daunting at first but has been my favorite project all semester and actually helps relieve stress.

The second was self-assigned and is bigger than anything I have ever done. A month and a half into the semester, I met a girl who in the first few minutes of being introduced told me she had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and wanted me to take pictures at her "bald party." Ever since then, I have been working on a photo story about her.

I plan on using this blog to showcase my work, share the things I'm working on, and maybe make a comment or two on life. I'll probably post older photos for awhile since I've started this so late in my photo carreer. Please feel free to make comments/criticisms on anything. I appreciate any form of feedback. Thanks a lot and hope you enjoy.

~Elizabeth Myers