Thursday, August 14, 2008

More... North Carolina Dance Theatre (#45)

More photos from the North Carolina Dance Theatre's performance with the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra from August 9th.

*Photos one and four ran in the Daily.
**I really like the last photo in the bunch. I know it's not quite perfect, but it's so close. I love the front dancer. That leap is beautiful.

Otis Moss III (#44)

The Reverend Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, is the chaplain of the week at Chautauqua. Wednesday morning he gave a sermon on "dancing in the darkness" -- finding bits of hope in our most hopeless situations -- how there cannot be healing without pain -- there cannot be joy without first suffering.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Self-portrait (#43)

A student in the Chautauqua art school works on a self-portrait in her corner studio.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

North Carolina Dance Theatre (#42)

The North Carolina performed their last dance concert of the season Saturday night, with the Chautuaqua Symphony Orchestra provided live musical accompaniment.

**More photos coming soon**

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not your average sprinkler (#41)

Thursday morning, a fireman from the Chautauqua Fire Department drove a firetruck to the Children's School, gave talks about fire safety, and let the kids climb through the truck.

Then, he took the hose off of the truck and sprayed it over the entire Children's School playground, letting the kids run around underneath. It was a really funny sight.

Tennis (#40)

Single's tennis tournament at the Chautauqua Tennis Center.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Shoeless Thomas Becker (#39)

In accordance with the "flat-soled shoes only" rule, Chautauqua Institution President Thomas Becker shed his dress shoes Tuesday afternoon for the dedication of the newly renovated lawn bowling court on the grounds.

Celtic Woman (#38)

Celeste Ray, founder of musical group 4 Celtic Women, plays the piano Monday evening in the Amphitheater.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Abrahamic Service (#37)

"At Chautauqua, we are not non-denominational. We are all-denominational."

Sunday evening, Chautauqua celebrated it's annual Abrahamic Sacred Song Service. Coordinators from the APYA (Abrahamic Program for Young Adults) read passages and shared stories of their faiths.

Top: Five Abrahamic banners depicting Ishmael, Hagar, Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac hang from the ceiling of the Amphitheater.
Middle: Eric Mollo, the Jewish Coordinator for the APYA, lights the first of three candles representing the three Abrahamic faiths.
Bottom: The four coordinators pour water into a basin around the three candles symbolizing the blending of the religions.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Art in the Park (#36)

Top: A woman examines a circle of Jerome Chesley transparent watercolors.
Second: Chautauqua kiln-master Kyle Houser shows off some homemade ceramic mugs.
Third: Chautauqua Music School Festival oboist Lindsay Flowers tries on a pair of Hope Alcorn beaded earrings.
Bottom: Two local girls work on hemp necklaces at their table where they're selling necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

Quiet Moment (#35)

Anna Gerberich of the North Carolina Dance Theatre reads a book on Greek mythology on the deck of the Carnahan-Jackson Dance Studio.